The study investigated the effects of guided discovery and think-pair-share method of teaching on academic performance in economics in colleges of education in northwest Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research question and five null hypotheses which were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A quasi experimental research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 1007 N.C.E. I business education students of 2017/2018 academics session in College of Education in North-west Nigeria. The study was delimited to Federal College of Education Zaria, and 180 students as sample size. The instruments used to generate data for the study was Pre-diagonostic Economics achievement test (PEAT) and Economics achievement test (EAT). Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the stated research questions; t-test statistics was employed in testing null hypothesis one to five. From the result of the study, all the five null hypotheses were rejected. The finding of the study showed that both guided discovery and think pair share methods had positive effect on students‟ Academic performance. Therefore, it was concluded that both methods had effect on economic student‟s performance based on the outcome of this research work. Four recommendations were made, among which is, Departments in colleges of education should encourage the use of guided discovery and think-pair-share methods for teaching Economics in their college to improve students‟ academic excellence.
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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